Thursday, April 12, 2012



We're often used to people asking questions that force us to create patterns out of our lives.

"What kind of men do you date?"

I always felt that question was so peculiar.
If I were to answer that with a series of qualities I typically look for, what would that mean coming from a very single me?

Only that those qualities do not carry any significance or hold value in the longevity of a committed relationship.
So I answer:
"I don't know. It's different every time."
As it should be.

Because we only have these years to sample and seek after what it is our heart and mind's desire. 
If we had the magic formula, many of us would stop seeking.

But this isn't a post about love or relationships.
This is a thought that resonates in me about the way life is for me right now.
How will I ever know whether this is right for me unless I try to test the boundaries and then test them again and again.

The uncertainty kills me but drives me at the same time.
The unknown provides unending fear and excitement simultaneously.

So don't ask me what I'm doing or where I'm going.
I have no idea.
But I believe now more than ever, I wouldn't have it any other way...